Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Balloon Boy vs Gosselin Kids

I am seriously disturbed as to the media hype this "Balloon Boy" phenom has created. What is the difference between the Balloon Boy, the Gosselins and the lady that tried to pimp her daughter on Craigslist? Why is the media and the public so enraged about the parents of BB staging the apparent "floating off" of their son in a home-made zeppelin? If you ask me, the Gosselins exploit their children every single day and they are allowed to do it and get paid for it. Just because they represented by a major television network doeesn't make it any less abominable. In fact, the BB was never placed in a situation where he was going to come to any harm. Yes, his parents told him to hide and, yes, they told him to lie. That is a moral issue, folk.
This kid is being taught that he can be a fake and be on TV. Oh..... hmmmmm...... isnt that what the telly is all about in the first place? A big fake? The kid knew exactly what was going on and the lie his folks were going to tell, its alot better than causing your kids a lifetime of heartache and labelling by slapping them in front of millions of viewers every week while their parents play naughty naughty. Shame on you, people!