Thursday, February 15, 2007

#8. People Who Talk When Your Fave Song Is On

You ever been with someone sitting around listening to the stereo or riding in the car and this great song comes on that you havent heard in forever? Generally, I will gleefully snatch the volume knob and turn it up, all the while squealing "OH! I LOVE THIS SONG!". It is really quite a sight. You would think that they were announcing the winner of the multi state lottery winner and I was holding the winning ticket. Well, my boyfriend is one of those people that feels that must be his cue to talk. He will start talking over the music about the first time he heard the song, or how the band should really consider getting back together or something. All I want to do is listen to the freaking song. It is like he has this little voice in his subconscious that says "hey, dude,, now. Tell her everything you know about the song."
It is maddening.