Tuesday, April 8, 2008

#4. Bad Teeth

Ewwwww!!! Trying to carry on a conversation with someone with bad teeth is so distracting! There is a gas station down the road from me that must have a qualification of really bad teeth. The women just want to talk and talk and I never have any idea what the full conversation is about because I literally cannot take my eyes off the little black hole of tic tacs pointing every which way inside... Some of them just have brown nubs sticking out of their really pink gums. Seriously, I know that not everyone can afford the dentist, but a toothbrush is cheap! And how can you go about a day without brushing your teeth?

Several years ago I worked in an office with several other women. One day the girl over the cubicle wall says to her cube mate "I forgot to brush my teeth today, do you have any gum?"
All I could think was "gross", "gross", "gross"..... How do you forget your teeth?? And believe me, she should have had no problem with that because every time I spoke to her she had things stuck in her teeth. I have no idea what they were, I have no care as to what they were.

Ok--- just yuk.